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Innholdet på denne siden er markedsføring

The below shareclasses are suspended from the live trading on Nasdaq Copenhagen for 2 January due to closed markets. The pricing of the DKK shareclasses is partially based on future prices for those markets not yet open, typically Asian and American stock markets, during European trading hours. These future prices are thus necessary for the pricing process of these funds.

OMX Short Name: SKIGLO

Fund name and share class: SKAGEN Global A

ISIN: NO0008004009

OMX Short Name: SKIFOA

Fund name and share class: SKAGEN Focus A

ISIN: NO0010735129

OMX Short Name: SKIM2

Fund name and share class: SKAGEN m2 A

ISIN: NO0010657356

For questions please contact SAM.FUNDPRICING@STOREBRAND.NO.
