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Innholdet på denne siden er markedsføring

Representatives are elected at an annual election meeting, and there is an election committee that nominates candidates for the election meeting. The election committee consists of Trude Marit Risnes (chair), Terje Vareberg and Per Olof Höglund. At the election meeting on 6 March 2019, one board member will be elected by unit holders for a two-year period.

Unit holder elected board members in SKAGEN must fulfil the following criteria:

  • They must fulfil the necessary requirements relating to honourable conduct and experience
  • They must not be shareholders, employee representatives or employees of SKAGEN AS, Storebrand Asset Management AS, Storebrand ASA, any other mutual fund management company or Handelsbanken (SKAGEN Funds’ custodian)
  • They must not have a close personal relationship to any of the board’s members, principal shareholders or management of SKAGEN or to the board, principal shareholders or management of Storebrand Asset Management AS or Storebrand ASA
  • They must not be the chief executive of a listed company

Recommendations for unit holder elected board members may be sent to the election committee via the company secretary, Tone Willoch Rettedal, by email, or by regular mail to SKAGEN, P.O. Box 160, 4001 Stavanger.

The deadline for sending candidate nominations is 15 October 2018.
