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SKAGEN launches Storebrand investment strategies in UK
We are pleased to announce the UK launch of Storebrand’s leading sustainable investment solutions with the introduction of its Global Multifactor, Global Solutions and Global ESG Plus strategies to eligible investors. Storebrand Group, the Nordic market leader in pensions and savings, acquired SKAGEN in 2017.
As part of Storebrand Asset Management, SKAGEN continues to manage its own range of active equity funds while now also being able to distribute Storebrand’s complementary factor, solutions and index-based strategies to eligible clients.
World leader in sustainable investing
Storebrand is widely recognised as a global pioneer in sustainable investment and the company has won several international awards for sustainability. Storebrand was the first Norwegian company to establish a dedicated sustainable investment department in 1995 and has one of the most experienced ESG teams in the Nordic region. Its group-wide sustainable investment policy, which applies to all £64 billion* assets under management, is built on over twenty years’ experience and based on three pillars: Exclusions, Integration and Active Ownership.
To read more about Storebrand’s sustainable investment approach and recognition, click here.
SKAGEN and Storebrand have been co-branded to reflect our new distribution capability, which we believe will benefit our clients in the following ways:
- Access to a broader product range which will include Storebrand’s market-leading funds, particularly in ESG and factor investing;
- Complementary expertise across a broader range of asset classes and investment strategies, built on 20 years’ sustainable investing experience; and
- Additional resources to support portfolio and risk management, client service and product innovation
SKAGEN’s active, value-based investment philosophy will remain unchanged and there will be no impact on SKAGEN’s existing clients or our approach to client service, reporting and communication.
For more information, please see the launch announcement or contact the UK team.
* As at 31 December 2018