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Swedbank Robur Emerging Europe A
33,19 NOK
Pr dato 21.02.2025
Siste 3 år
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Historisk avkastning er ingen garanti for fremtidig avkastning. Fremtidig avkastning vil blant annet avhenge av markedsutviklingen, forvalterens dyktighet, fondets risikoprofil og forvaltningshonorar. Avkastningen kan bli negativ som følge av kurstap. Det er knyttet risiko til investeringer i fondet på grunn av markedsbevegelser, utvikling i valuta, rentenivåer, konjunkturer, bransje- og selskapsspesifikke forhold. Før tegning oppfordres det til å lese fondenes nøkkelinformasjon og prospekt. Oversikt over kostnader finnes på
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Emerging Europe is an actively managed equity fund that mainly invests in companies across a range of sectors in European emerging markets (excluding Russia, Belarus). Up to 20 percent of the fund's assets can also be invested in companies from other countries that at the time of investment have at least 30 percent of their assets, production, profits or turnover in the mentioned market. The fund focuses on a selection of companies, where sector, regional and thematic analyses are also key features of the strategy. Investments are made in companies that, among others, are active in communications, sustainable energy, IT, finance and healthcare. The fund complies with Swedbank Robur’s Responsible Investment Policy. Read more about market, policy and share classes in the fund’s Information Brochure and Sustainability and climate work is an integrated part in our investment strategy.